Online conferences are getting more and more, longer and longer and worse?

Online conferences are getting more and more, longer and longer and worse?

Just a feeling of many employees? No, unfortunately it's reality! This is a trend that has been developing over the last few years.
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GDPR-compliant tools for online meetings and events

GDPR-compliant tools for online meetings and events

The requirements of the GDPR must also be taken into account in online meetings and virtual, interactive events. This also includes larger ...
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FOMs for the environment: Digital speaker management reduces the CO2 footprint

FOMs for the environment: Digital speaker management reduces the CO2 footprint

Online meetings are more environmentally friendly than face-to-face meetings, but they are not completely CO2-neutral. By organizing your meetings with the right FOM tool ...
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Linkando and Connect4Video enter into partnership

Linkando and Connect4Video enter into partnership

Formal online meetings linked with video meetings from Connect4Video/ Conduct legally compliant elections and votes directly in common video conferencing tools Landau, 31. ...
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Save around 70% of your meeting costs!

Save around 70% of your meeting costs!

Rising fuel prices mean rising event costs. Counteract this trend and plan your formal meetings digitally and cost-efficiently with ...
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Digital participation enables a better work-life balance

Digital participation enables a better work-life balance

Save valuable time by participating in important meetings, discussions or sessions flexibly online, from the location of your choice. ...
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Requirements for products for virtual meetings and voting

Requirements for products for virtual meetings and voting

The German Federal Office for Information Security has developed a questionnaire to list the properties of products that can be used to ...
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Online meetings make an enormous contribution to CO2 savings

Online meetings make an enormous contribution to CO2 savings

Think sustainably and hold your meetings online or hybrid and make your contribution to climate protection! Business trips ...
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FOM Magazine: Digital Supervisory Board Meetings: Legal requirements and governance requirements

FOM Magazine: Digital Supervisory Board Meetings: Legal requirements and governance requirements

Bylaws must comply with the legal framework and governance trends for digital meetings. The tips and recommendations from the experts at ...
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