Lateral leadership: relationship, structure & trust as core pillars of digital leadership culture

Lateral leadership: relationship, structure & trust as core pillars of digital leadership culture

An article from the FOM magazine. In the digital age, lateral leadership is increasingly replacing disciplinary leadership. This is because digital leadership requires a ...
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Video consultation in the online pharmacy: structure for consultations in the mail-order pharmacy

Video consultation in the online pharmacy: structure for consultations in the mail-order pharmacy

An article in the FOM magazine. When customers order medicines online, they still need advice. Mail-order pharmacies with an online store therefore need ...
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Meeting playbooks & in-meeting app: the online tools of sales professionals

Meeting playbooks & in-meeting app: the online tools of sales professionals

Sales playbooks have been around for a long time; Linkando is now bringing them into the world of online meetings. Because especially in the IT and ...
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Flurfunk: How important is gossip really for corporate culture?

Flurfunk: How important is gossip really for corporate culture?

An article from the FOM magazine. Fun at work is central to employee motivation. This is not about games for ...
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Fun at work: productivity and teamwork in digital meetings

Fun at work: productivity and teamwork in digital meetings

An article from the FOM magazine. Fun at work is central to employee motivation. This is not about games for ...
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Hybrid meeting culture: equal opportunities for home office and onsite employees

Hybrid meeting culture: equal opportunities for home office and onsite employees

An article in the FOM magazine. Remote employees working from home often have disadvantages in terms of representation, participation and access to information. An efficient ...
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The wow effect: structured sales pitches improve the B2B customer experience

The wow effect: structured sales pitches improve the B2B customer experience

An article from the FOM magazine. The customer experience is also important in B2B sales. FOM tools structure digital sales conversations and enable a ...
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Digital court proceedings: Main hearing via video call

Digital court proceedings: Main hearing via video call

Instead of traveling all over Germany for a court hearing, trial participants are increasingly able to join in via video call. ...
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Meeting overload often has psychological reasons: the time wasters at work

Meeting overload often has psychological reasons: the time wasters at work

An article from the FOM magazine. FOMO, egoism, busyness, habits - all of these lead to unnecessary meetings. Meeting norms can reduce the ...
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