Bye bye 2023!

Bye bye 2023!

2023 was a year of new beginnings for Linkando. We launched our Sales Playbooks, a new way of thinking about B2B sales ...
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Market research project at Fresenius University of Applied Sciences

Market research project at Fresenius University of Applied Sciences

Linkando is working with Fresenius University of Applied Sciences to take a closer look at sales in the digital age. Five talents from the ...
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Linkando in the service of the Börsenverein

Linkando in the service of the Börsenverein

Last Saturday, October 21, the 199th Annual General Meeting of the BOEV - German Publishers and Booksellers Association took place at the Book Fair ...
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Linkando in the service of the metaverse

Linkando in the service of the metaverse

Linkando hosted its partner rooom's digital annual general meeting for the second time. Hans Elstner, CEO and founder of ...
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Zoom Open Hour XL: Public Sector & Education Day with Linkando

Zoom Open Hour XL: Public Sector & Education Day with Linkando

Yesterday, Wednesday, October 11, 2023, the Zoom Public Sector & Education Day took place. Together with the host ...
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Linkando goes Digital X

Linkando goes Digital X

On September 20 and 21, the Linkando team joined forces with Deutsche Telekom, Vuzix, Jabra and Rooom as Zoom X ...
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Linkando in the Open Telekom Cloud

Linkando in the Open Telekom Cloud

Linkando Playbooks are now available in the Open Telekom Cloud! Together with Telekom, we can now offer our solution ...
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Bundestag simplifies the rules for digital general meetings

Bundestag simplifies the rules for digital general meetings

On February 9, 2023, the German Bundestag decided by a large majority to exempt associations and their general meetings from the legal obligation to ...
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Hybrid meetings: remote workers often disadvantaged when working from home

Hybrid meetings: remote workers often disadvantaged when working from home

An article in the FOM magazine. Remote workers complain about their disadvantage in hybrid meetings. They find it difficult to have their say and cannot ...
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