Linkando Playbook Catalog

Ready-made templates for your quick start

Based on tried-and-tested business processes, you will find tried-and-tested playbooks that will help you communicate successfully with your customers.

Simply select the right playbook template from our catalog and maximize your sales success in the long term.

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Playbook templates

Use our templates to create optimal playbooks for your company. Our templates follow the "playbooks-based selling" approach and are tailored to the needs of B2B, tech and IT sales teams.

Best Practice Playbooks

Best practice playbooks have already proven themselves in practice and can be used immediately. They cover typical use cases in customer communication and are therefore the ideal starting point for your use of digital playbooks.

Sponsored Playbooks

Sponsored Playbooks are offered to you by our partners for various application scenarios. The use cases also go beyond B2B sales. Our partners thus offer their own customers and partners unique added value.  

Playbooks as a success factor for your sales

Argumentative playbooks for communicating with your customers help you to sustainably improve your sales success. Linkando's Playbook Catalog provides ideal guidelines for various sales-driven use cases that you can download at any time and seamlessly incorporate into your customer communication.

For example, as an in-app element during a customer appointment via Zoom, Zoom X or Teams, but also as a browser extension for Chrome/Edge. Another option is to integrate our playbook templates into your CRM.

Benefit from:

  • Proven methods such as MEDDICC, BANT, SPIN
  • Invitation and protocol templates, action cards and trackable projects
  • Confident appointments with a structured process, confident arguments, binding statements, clear results and a high level of customer satisfaction
  • Taking control through context-related instructions and targeted responses
  • Distribute meeting scores to find out how well the customer ranks with your products
  • Dashboards and analysis tools, APIs and interfaces