Playbooks for sales

Inconsistent, subjectively evaluated customer projects? Poorly maintained CRM systems? Lack of specialist expertise among sellers due to technically complex solutions?

The solution for a structured, simple and efficient sales process is:
Linkando Playbooks

Sales teams for complex products that require explanation are often faced with the challenge that although their employees are sales experts, they do not have sufficient technical knowledge of the product being offered. Product experts are often called in at an early stage in discussions with customers, even though the customer potential is not yet sufficiently qualified at this point, which means that company personnel resources are not deployed with the best possible added value.

With Linkando Playbooks, internal product knowledge can be made easily available to every employee in the sales organization, so that new employees in particular, who are still unsure, are perceived as qualified discussion partners for the customer, as they have all the important answers at hand and can react appropriately to objections. This shortens the learning curve of new employees enormously and takes the pressure off the expert team in the company.

Playbook Catalog

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Evaluate and manage sales and customer projects uniformly:


Subjective assessments of customer projects lead to inconsistent valuations
Often holding on too long to interested parties with no or too little purchasing potential


Linkando Playbooks: equipped with internal knowledge carriers
Integrated evaluation system to objectively assess purchasing potential, based on dynamic recommendations for action


Application of proven methods
  • standardized business processes
  • Focus on real sales opportunities thanks to objective evaluation
Book a demo


Inconsistent procedures and subjectively assessed customer projects? Unmaintained CRM systems and a lack of specialist product expertise among employees due to technically complex solutions? Linkando Playbooks solve your sales problems. 


Maximize the sales success of your indirect sales processes with strong argumentation and process-supporting playbooks for your dealers or agencies.


New standard for advising and supporting your customers. Our innovative playbooks increase customer satisfaction and reduce the time spent by all parties.