maximize success in partner sales

Playbooks for Channel

How can I ensure that my sales partners clearly communicate the key selling points of my products and services?

The solution is simple:
argumentative playbooks

Partners who sell services and products from other companies are often faced with the challenge that they do not know the products to be sold in depth and lack the technical expertise to adequately present the key selling points and technical added value to the customer.

By using Linkando Playbooks, you make it easier for your sales partners to communicate with their target customers in the long term. The product added values and background information can be communicated to customers in a more targeted, comprehensible and successful way thanks to individual guidelines and scripts, and the sales conversation follows a clearly structured process that you can define and establish together with your sales partners. Thanks to integrated scoring, the sales partner recognizes from the customer's answers whether there is an objective interest in buying and whether it is worth investing more time.

Playbook Catalog

Clever conversation directly for download

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Manage partner projects successfully and benefit sustainably:


Partner sales lack proximity to the product + insufficient technical expertise to communicate key selling arguments

Customers do not understand the added value of the product and do not buy it
= no functioning partner business 


Linkando Playbooks:

Targeted sales scripts with valuable knowledge for partner sales
Integrated evaluation system to objectively assess purchasing potential, based on dynamic recommendations for action


Application of proven methods

  • standardized business processes
  • Focus on real sales opportunities thanks to objective evaluation
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Inconsistent procedures and subjectively assessed customer projects? Unmaintained CRM systems and a lack of specialist product expertise among employees due to technically complex solutions? Linkando Playbooks solve your sales problems. 


Maximize the sales success of your indirect sales processes with strong argumentation and process-supporting playbooks for your dealers or agencies.


New standard for advising and supporting your customers. Our innovative playbooks increase customer satisfaction and reduce the time spent by all parties.