Sales content that converts: How to use content correctly in sales!

Sales content that converts: How to use content correctly in sales!

Did you know that only 10% of your content generates 50% of your leads?

For you as a sales leader, this means that you can save most of your content.

Concentrate on the 10% that really counts!

How do you know which content converts?

You don't know it! But your sales champions do.

You interact with prospects, leads and customers every day and know exactly which arguments work and which don't. Your success proves it.

Ask your sales champions how much of your content they really use?

  • Do they even send out your white paper or do they think that nobody will read it anyway?
  • Do they use your flyer at all or have they perhaps created their own that you don't even know?
  • Do your best sellers use your script at all - or have they developed their own script, knowing that it converts much better?

Converting content already exists in most companies, but it is not systematically used by all salespeople.

How can you do it better?

This is where sales playbooks come into play.

Playbooks standardize content in the sales process with digital guides for your salespeople. This ensures that your salespeople use the content that works best in every customer interaction.

For example, when approaching customers on LinkedIn,


Linkando Playbook with digital guide for social selling on LinkedIn 

in prospecting calls with Zoom,


Linkando Playbook with digital guide for Zoom calls

or during customer service interactions with ServiceDesk, in email marketing, during sales pitches and all other customer interactions.

Again: Only 10% of your content generates 50% of the leads.

So if you continuously use the right content, you will massively increase your conversions - without having to create new content.

Content creation is a living process

The important thing is: content must be continuously adapted. Here too, your champions know which content needs which updates.

That's why we have integrated feedback forms into our playbooks. Your sellers can use them to request new content or updates.

Your marketing department can then create the new content and immediately update all sales playbooks at the touch of a button. 

Linkando is the new business partner of Rot-Weiss Essen

Linkando is the new business partner of Rot-Weiss Essen

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Sales content that converts: How to use content correctly in sales!

Sales content that converts: How to use content correctly in sales!

Did you know that only 10% of your content generates 50% of your leads? For you as a sales leader, this means that you can ...
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