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The contact button on the website is underestimated!
In fact, the "Contact" subpage is the most clicked page on most websites, alongside the "Home" and "About us" pages.
You should therefore think about how you can make the initial contact as easy as possible for website visitors.
Unfortunately, many companies are missing out on enormous potential here.
Most websites display an e-mail address, telephone number or contact form on the contact page.
Contact forms are supposed to make it easier for the user, because you can simply enter your message and click on "send". In principle, such forms are a good idea, but they have several problems:
To solve these problems, many companies rely on live chats with employees or automated chatbots.
Live chats have the disadvantage that at least one customer service employee must always be available. With higher website traffic, you even need an entire CSM team.
Chatbots, on the other hand, quickly reach their limits when it comes to more complex questions and humans are needed again.
A more comprehensive solution are so-called "webplays". Here you integrate a digital guide into your homepage, for example on the contact page.
In the example below, the customer clicks on "Contact" and the guide opens on the right-hand side. Some information is now automatically requested, such as which products the customer is interested in.
Linkando Webplay
Depending on the answer given, further questions open up. The guide thus adapts interactively to the information provided by the user.
Linkando Webplay
The aim is to pre-qualify the user so that they are forwarded directly to the right contact person in the company.
Even more interesting is what happens at the other end of the line:
The guide on the contact page is therefore the start of an entire playbook that runs through the entire sales cycle. Unlike a contact form or chatbot, the webplay sets a systematic and structured sales process in motion that leads to significantly higher conversion rates.
Take a look at how the example above works live. Go to https://cx-services.gmbh/index.html#Kontakt and click on "Contact" as shown in the screenshot.
If you have any questions, please contact us at info@linkando.com.