GDPR-compliant tools for online meetings and events

GDPR-compliant tools for online meetings and events

The requirements of the GDPR must also be taken into account in online meetings and virtual, interactive events. Even larger tools such as Skype or Microsoft Teams do not always stand out positively. For this reason, it is not only important to know which tools for online meetings and events are GDPR-compliant, but also how they can be recognized.

A contribution by Jan Siebert

Why is data protection important for online events at all?

Video conferences, online meetings, virtual events, webinars, etc. offer a much larger attack surface than telephone calls or conference calls. It is much easier for third parties to secretly listen in, unauthorized recordings to be made or for data breaches or data mishaps by the provider to result in a breach of data protection.

For this reason, it is important to pay attention to GDPR compliance when selecting your tools for online meetings or events.

Click here for the full article.

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Linkando and regio iT digitize committee meetings with gpaNRW-certified specialist application

PRESS RELEASEA partnership between Linkando and regio iT enables legally compliant digital committee work in cities, municipalities, districts and associations. In a pilot project ...
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The North Rhine-Westphalia Municipal Audit Office ("gpaNRW") has certified the Linkando Meetings app for use in digital committee meetings. Linkando offers the app at ...
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Further contributions