Boosting Seller Productivity

Boosting Seller Productivity

Are you currently struggling with the complexity of B2B sales? Our CEO, Volker Wiora, provides valuable insights in our latest whitepaper. Discover how digital playbooks can improve your win rates and shorten sales cycles. 

Click here for the whitepaper:


A few words from our CEO Volker Wiora about the white paper: 

The better is the enemy of the good. Or is it?

In 2020, during the pandemic, we made our first pivot. We transformed Linkando from a digital collaboration platform provider to a SaaS solution for formal online meetings. We pioneered a forward-thinking solution, but we weren't fast enough to turn it into the sales success needed to scale the business.

In 2022, we initiated our second pivot. We analyzed our weaknesses in sales execution and came to the conclusion that we needed a better #playbook to be successful. A playbook? What the heck is that? Everything we found on Google, Bing and LinkedIn about sales methods sounded old-fashioned and boring. Inside we knew we needed something better, something that was more engaging and interactive.

We knew it because we already had it in front of us: our technology was the perfect foundation for a #digitalplaybook solution, it "just" needed the finishing touches and proof in real life. So we started working on it.

We were fortunate to work with analysts from Gartner to discuss technologies to increase sales productivity in a world of modern virtual selling. We quickly came to the conclusion that one of Gartner's most visionary concepts was already in our product: the concept of "technology as teammate" for digital sales. We just had to bring it to the surface. And that's exactly what we did.

Today, in 2024, I am pleased to present our first strategic whitepaper outlining the vision of digital playbooks and the art of playbook-based selling; ... and there's more to come. The good news is that while this paper is new and visionary, the product already exists and is being used by us and our customers every day.

I hope you enjoy reading it. You can download it free of charge: Since we think it's essential knowledge, you don't have to provide your e-mail address or phone number to get access. It really is free! 

But if you have read it and would like to discuss it with me, you are welcome to do so, here on LinkedIn or via the link in the document.

Click here for the whitepaper:

#B2BSales #DigitalPlaybooks #Linkando

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Further contributions