Flexibility and time savings for all participants!

Efficient meetings
with structure

Hold your board, committee and council meetings as hybrid events and use legally compliant digital voting and elections to increase efficiency. You offer your participants maximum flexibility while saving costs and time and improving your organization's meeting culture in the long term.

Linkando meeting app - now officially gpaNRW certified for digital committee meetings!

Which meeting are you responsible for?

All these meetings have one thing in common: they should have a specific objective and a structured process. Linkando Meetings offers you extensive tools which you can combine with the video conferencing system of your choice.

Meetings without a clear structure and objective cost your organization a lot of time and money!

Face-to-face events are also very costly and time-consuming and your participants are inflexible.

With Linkando Meetings, you can increase the efficiency of your meetings and save valuable time and costs with a structured agenda and digital tools, making every meeting a success. At the same time, you offer your participants the greatest possible flexibility through hybrid implementation, increase the work-life balance and help to implement digitalization in your company in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way.

According to a survey, managers rate 67% of all meetings as failures.

Source: WHU, 09.11.2020

74% of employees in Europe want clear objectives for meetings and for them to end as soon as the objectives have been achieved.

Source: AP Verlag: Study on the efficiency of meetings, 20.08.2019

According to a study by TimeInvest, companies could save 57 million euros a year by eliminating inefficient meetings.

Source: Redbull.com, 28.03.2022

77% of employees find meetings with a structured agenda more efficient.

Source: IT Daily, 06.05.2020

Use the meeting management software from Linkando:

Define clear goals and turn your meetings into a pure success experience!

Manage your meetings intuitively

Create members, manage voting rights, plan meetings, generate QR codes for hybrid meetings, intuitive invitation and participant management.

Give your meeting structure

With integrated tools, an interactive agenda, time management and customizable templates.

Make safe decisions

With integrated, legally compliant election and voting tools, comprehensive voting rights management, proxy regulations and public and secret ballot options.

Ensure transparency and tracking

Through integrated tools such as automated logging, task boards, interaction with participants, scheduling and reminders.

Increase the efficiency of future meetings

By using dashboards and analysis tools, you benefit from APIs and interfaces.

Conduct formal meetings directly in Zoom